
Tearing Resistance Testing

Tearing Strength Tester

Tearing strength testing can be found in plastic film, paper and textile industries. It is used to describe how well a material can withstand the effects of tearing. Elmendorf tear is a common method that is used to test tear resistance.

  • ISO 6383-2 - Plastics -- Film and sheeting -- Determination of tear resistance -- Part 2: Elmendorf method
  • ISO 1974 - Paper -- Determination of tearing resistance -- Elmendorf method ASTM D1922 - Standard Test Method for Propagation Tear Resistance of Plastic Film and Thin Sheeting by Pendulum Method
  • ISO 5636 - Paper and board -- Determination of air permeance and air resistance (Part 5: Gurley method)
  • ASTM D1424 - Standard Test Method for Tearing Strength of Fabrics by Falling Pendulum Type (Elmendorf) Apparatus
  • ASTM D689 - Standard Test Method for Internal Tearing Resistance of Paper (Withdrawn 2009)
  • TAPPI T414 - Internal Tearing Resistance of Paper (Elmendorf-Type Method)

C680M Elmendorf Tearing Test - YouTube Video

Trouser Tear Method
Tensile Strength Tester

  • ASTM D1938 - Standard Test Method for Tear Propagation Resistance (Trouser Tear) of Plastic Film and Thin Sheeting by a Single Tear Method

Trouser Tear Test by Tensile tester - YouTube Video

XLW (PC) Auto Tensile Tester

XLW (PC) Auto Tensile Tester is professionally applicable for force properties testing of plastic films, laminated materials, flexible packaging materials, with high precision (0.5% of full scale).

C680M Elmendorf Tear Tester

C680M Elmendorf Tear Tester is suitable for testing tear resistance of films, textiles, paper or board based on ASTM F1922.