
On October 24, in the World Packaging organization(WPO) 101th Member Congress held in Jinan, experts from Australia, Austria,Brazil, Croatia, the Czech republic, Finland, Indonesia, Nigeria, South Africa,Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States and other nearly 30 members of35 experts visited the China Packaging testing leader - Labthink InstrumentsCo., Ltd.

Under the guidance of Deputy GeneralManager of Labthink, the Council members visited the Labthink CNAS-certifiedPackaging Safety Testing Center Laboratory. Labthink engineers introducedLabthink's technology development history and honorary qualifications,demonstrated the latest solutions and scientific research achievements ofLabthink in the field of packaging safety testing, which was praised andrecognized by a group of experts including President Pierre Pienaar. Labthink presentedthe gift of black pottery on behalf of Chinese traditional culture to themembers of the world Packaging Organization. It is a memorial to witnessLabthink and the World Packaging Organization with an everlasting friendshipand commitment to the green and sustainable development and education of theglobal packaging industry.

Labthink packaging safety testing center isintroduced

The development course and technicalachievements of Labthink are introduced

Visit Labthink packaging safety testingequipment

Labthink presents honored guests

Brief introduction of the World Packaging Organizationand its governing council:

The World Packaging Organization is anon-profit, non-governmental, international packaging body for associations,regional packaging associations and other relevant international federations,including companies and trade associations. Founded on September 6, 1968, inTokyo by visionary leaders of the global packaging industry, the vision is to"provide a better quality of life for more people through betterpackaging". WOP is committed to:

Promote global development of packagingtechnology, science and engineering;

Promote the development of packaging skillsand expertise;

Encourage communication about packagingtechniques, applications and achievements.

Provide a forum for organizationsinterested in further improving packaging technology;

Monitor and communicate with members onpackaging-related issues, such as consumer safety, food preservation andenvironmental impacts;

Assist in creating conditions conducive tooptimizing the protection, preservation and distribution of food and otherpackaged products;

To promote the development of internationaltrade;

To provide advice on the establishment andoperation of national packaging organizations and agencies;

Provide information on the source ofpackaging knowledge;

The chairman, Prof. Pierre Pienaar

Pierre Pienaar is the new Chairman of theWorld Packaging Organization (WPO) as of 1 January 2018.

He holds a Master of Science degree(Packaging Engineering/Technology) from Brunel University, UK and a Master'sdegree in Manufacturing and production from The University of Hertfordshire,UK. He is a certified packaging specialist registered in 52 countries. He hasserved as national President of the Packaging Institute of South Africa (IPSA),honorary Life Member of IPSA, member of the Packaging Institute of Australia(AIP), and member of the Australian Food, Industry and Science and TechnologyProfession. He is currently the National Director of Education, the formernational President of AIP, and the former Vice President of the World PackagingOrganization (WPO), responsible for global packaging education. For the past 28years, he has taught packaging technology and science at universities andinstitutions around the world. He is currently teaching a Master's degree infood Innovation and Packaging at the University of Melbourne, BeijingUniversity, Sichuan University, Tra Vinh University, Gadjah Mada University andthe University of New South Wales.

Dr. Johannes Bergmair, Secretary-General

Dr Johannes Bergmair studied food andbiotechnology at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences(BOKU) in Vienna and completed his Master of Technology degree at the Instituteof Food Technology in 1999. Member of the Austrian Standardization Committee"Packaging" and member of the Austrian Board of Directors of WPO(World Packaging Organization) since 2011.As of 2014, WPO will assume the roleof vice President for Sustainable Development and Food Safety.

Ms. Aslihan Arikan, Vice President ofEducation

Aslihan Arikan has participated in a numberof lifetime seminars and training sessions on packaging and related issues as wellas the EU affairs program. She teaches packaging courses at various universitiesand public institutions. Aslihan Arikan currently serves as secretary Generalof the Turkish Packaging Manufacturers Association (ASD).She is also activelyinvolved in national and global packaging regulations (ISO and CEN) in variouscommittees and working groups. In addition to her position in the associationand technical and regulatory work, she is also president of the Turkish branchof IPPO (International Packaging Publishing Organization), IOPP (Association ofPackaging Professionals) and SPE (Association of Plastic Engineers).She is alsothe first Vice President of APF (Asian Packaging Federation) and vice Presidentof Education of WPO (World Packaging Organization).

Ms. Luciano Pellegrino, Vice President ofMarketing

Ms. Luciana Pellegrino is the ExecutiveDirector of the ABRE-Brazil Packaging Association, responsible for theassociation's strategic work plan in response to its mission to promote thedevelopment of the Brazilian packaging industry. At WPO Pellegrino is vicePresident of marketing, whose goal is to build the organization's brand valueand its communication tools and activities.

Vice Chairman, Sustainable Development andSaving Food, Antro Saila

Antro holds a Master of Science degree inforest Product Marketing from the University of Helsinki in 1989.Antro has beenmanaging Director of the Finnish Packaging Association since 2014. She alsoserves as Chairman of Rinki, a Finnish packaging recycling company, chairman ofthe Finnish National Packaging Standardization Committee and Chairman of theScandinavian Packaging Association. At the World Packaging Organization, shehas been a member of its board of Directors since 2015 and vice President,Sustainability and Executive Team, WPO since 2018.

Ms. Soha Atallah, Vice-president, Awards,Exhibitions and Conferences

Ms Soha Atallah has 18 years of experiencein industrial development, packaging, marketing and food safety in Lebanon andthe Arab region. She founded Lebanese packaging center LibanPack and raisedawareness of packaging development through consulting and organizing annualStarPack Competition for College Students. During her career, she providedpackaging and label design services to more than 200 industrial companies inLebanon and other Arab countries. Ms Atallah is an international expert inpackaging and marketing. Ms. Atallah, who owns LAU's M.A., recently served as anexecutive program in strategic marketing management at Harvard Business School.

Ms. Liliam Benzi, Head of News andCommunications

Liliam Benzi is an expert for B2Bcommunications, marketing and business and strategy, specializing in thepackaging industry. She holds a bachelor's degree in Communication from theUniversity of FIAM (Brazil) and graduated in packaging engineering fromInstituto Mauade Tecnologia (Brazil). Liliam Benzi was selected as the PremierePackaging Industry Professional of the Year 2018, one of the most recognizedpackaging awards in Brazil.

Liliam Benzi has over 30 years ofexperience in packaging journalism, working for trade magazines and in publicrelations for companies and associations around the world. She is an honorarymember of IPPO (International Packaging News Organization). Liliam Benzi hasrun his own PR and communications company, LDBComunica?? OEmpresarial since1995. The company is headquartered in Sao Paulo, Brazil, but operates globally.

Dr. Carl Olsmats, Statistics, Economics, PackagingScience

Dr. Carl Olsmats is currently associateProfessor of industrial engineering and management at the School of Technologyand Business Studies at Darana University, specializing in strategic issuessuch as supply chain management and packaging in the context of the valuechain. He has more than 25 years of experience. Packaging, including researchin Packforsk and Innventia, leading positions in consulting and management, and10 years as general Secretary of the WPO. He earned a doctorate in packagingstrategy. Carl is also currently the Vice President of Consulting at GPC-GlobalPackaging Center, Hangzhou, China.

Promotion and Membership Mr. ChakravarthiAVPS

CEO of Ecobliss India (a joint venture withMNC Holland), global leader in innovative bass-packing solutions. Received theWorldstar Award (The highest Packaging Excellence Award) for five consecutiveyears, and achieved 100% success. And is the only winner of the AmeriStar Awardfor drug packaging in India. He has over 30 years of experience in paper,printing and packaging. He was president of the Packaging Institute of India,Hyderabad and national Council for more than 10 years. For more than 20 years,he has been actively involved in packaging related activities around the world.Recently appointed Ambassador to the World Packaging Organization.

Mr. Kishan Singh, Quality and Food Safety

Kishan has always been committed to qualitymanagement, operations management, supply chain management in areas such asstudent seminars, training and motivation, since 1992 to teach the completecity industry association (quality assurance) syllabus. Kishan, in the past 15years, has been teaching packaging technology. In 2011, 2012 and 2013 in IPSAInstitute of Packaging (South Africa) packaging technology diploma, he createdthe highest academic achievement in grade one students. He is currently IPSA'snational President and has represented IPSA at packaging conferences in Mumbai,India (2010) and Tanzania, Africa (2011), presenting papers on SA packagingtrends, packaging quality statistics, and packaging environmental impacts. Heis also vice President of the World Packaging Organization and an executivemember of the WPO Board of Directors, responsible for WorldStar and WorldStarStudent Award programs worldwide.