
On October 24, 2018, the 101st Board Meetings of WPO (World Packaging Organization) was held in Jinan, China. 35 packaging specialists from 30 countries including Australia, Austria, Brazil, Croatia, Czech, Finland, Indonesia, Nigeria, South Africa, Turkey, UK and USA, etc. paid a visit to Labthink Instruments Co., Ltd, which is the leading enterprise in packaging testing industry in China.

Guided by the vice president of Labthink, the board members of WPO visited Labthink’s packaging safety testing center, which passed the certification of CNAS (China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment). The engineer of Labthink introduced to the board members about the technical development of Labthink and all the honorary certificates obtained by Labthink, as well as the latest testing solutions and technical achievements in packaging testing industry, which was impressive to Mr. Pierre Pienaar and other experts. Before departure, all WPO board members received Labthink’s gifts, black pottery, which represents Chinese traditional culture. Both parties expressed the wishes to jointly cooperate to push forward the sustainable development of global green packaging industry and the packaging education.

Brief Introduction to WPO and WPO Board members

The World Packaging Organization is a non-profit, non-governmental, international federation of national packaging institutes and associations, regional packaging federations and other interested parties including corporations and trade associations. Founded September 6, 1968 in Tokyo by visionary leaders from the global packaging community, the vision of WPO is “Better Quality of Life, Through Better Packaging, For More People”.

The WPO’s main objectives include to: Promote globally the development of packaging technology, science and engineering; Stimulate development of packaging skills and expertise;Encourage communication concerning packaging technology, applications and achievements.Provide a forum for those organizations interested in furthering the state of the art of packaging;Monitor and communicate with its members concerning packaging-related issues such as consumer safety, food preservation, and environmental impact;Monitor and communicate with its members concerning packaging-related issues such as consumer safety, food preservation, and environmental impact;Contribute to the development of international trade;Advise on the formation and operation of national packaging organizations and institutes;Provide information on sources of packaging knowledge;