
On 27th , November, more than 60 Packaging Engineering students and faculty members from Qilu University of Technology took a visit to Labthink Instruments Co. Ltd. (hereinafter, Labthink). The visit was guided by the General Manager of China sales division and senior engineers from Labthink.

Mr. Xuan, the senior engineer of R & D department introduced the Company history, vision, testing instruments and scientific achievements of Labthink. He then shared the knowledge regarding the development of standards, traceability of method and testing principle of instrument, etc. Visiting students were actively involved in the discussion regarding the risks caused by improper packaging in various industries.

Accompanied by the general sales manager and senior engineers, the students and faculty members visited Labthink office building, company cultural wall, and laboratory of Packaging Safety Test Center. In the laboratory, nearly 100 instruments were running in order. The engineer explained the whole testing process from specimen preparation, specimen clamping to parameter settings, which helped the students to understand the basic theory and testing principle of the packaging testing practices.

According to the students’ statements, this visit not only helped them to have better understanding of theories of packaging testing, but also helped them to integrate theories with practice, and had an insight into how their knowledge will be applied.

Labthink Instruments Co. Ltd. is a testing technology company focused on material research along with manufacturing of packaging testing instruments and commercial testing services.